Thursday 10 February 2011



Diegetic - Sound which belobgs in the scene, including dialogue.

Non Diegetic - Music, Soundtrack, Narrator and Sound Effects which is played over the scene. Not coming from the story space.

Synchronus - See an action and its sound at the same time etc. Car door or footsteps.

Asynchronus - Does not belong in the scene, adds atmosphere. You can not see it in the scene. Etc. Bird tweeting or sirens.

Sound Motif
- A sound repeating. Sets atmosphere and scene.

Sound Bridge
- Link to scenes together through music or sound.

Voice Over
- Hear the voice of a speaker or narrator but not seeing them.

Direct Address - Speaks directly to camera. Makes you feel like you have interaction with the character and story.


Score/Background Music - Music composed for dramatic effects.

Identical Music -

Themes -

Ambient Sound - Background noise in a film or programme etc. birds, water and traffic.

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