Friday 4 February 2011

Shot Types


Long/Wide Shot - See surroundings which sets scence.

Mid Shot - Focus more on the people or person.

Close Up Shot - Lets you see emotions of character.

Master Shot - All of scene is shown and keeps charcters in view etc. In a dramtic scene.

Establishing Shot - Establishes the context for a scene by showing the relationship between its important figures and objects. Ususally a long shot.

Aerial Shot - Usually done with a crane from an aerial vechile. It is used to show landscape or to make a charcter seem small an insignificant.

POV Shot - Shown from the characters eyes to show what they are seeing or their reacton.

Two Shot - Shows two people. It can show their emotions towards each other.

OST Shot - A shot used over the charcters shoulder. This is used to show someone or somthing over the persons shoulder. The head and shoulder is used to frame the person or object. Commen when having a convosation.

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