Friday, 11 February 2011


Key Light - Principal illumination whihc adds shadow and depth to the scene or target.

Fill Light - Extra light added from the side to add to the shadows created from the Key Light.

Back Light - Light coming from behind, which seperates the target from thebackground. This provides depth.

Ambient Light - Lighting whihc doesnt highight or subject a certain target. Used for room lighting etc.

Artificial Light - Man made light. Bulbs, car headlights etc.

Directional Light - Light which is directed as a beam to light a certain area.


Mise-En-Scene is everything present before the camera.

Mise-En-Scene is used to give the impression of the characters, etc. Clothing or a messy room.

Some physical objects will make us think about the character.

Denotation - What the audince can visually see and what it is etc. Gun, Phone.

- A description of the meaning of an object.

- Denotation is a red rose with a green stem. Connotation is that the rose could represent love.

Thursday, 10 February 2011



Diegetic - Sound which belobgs in the scene, including dialogue.

Non Diegetic - Music, Soundtrack, Narrator and Sound Effects which is played over the scene. Not coming from the story space.

Synchronus - See an action and its sound at the same time etc. Car door or footsteps.

Asynchronus - Does not belong in the scene, adds atmosphere. You can not see it in the scene. Etc. Bird tweeting or sirens.

Sound Motif
- A sound repeating. Sets atmosphere and scene.

Sound Bridge
- Link to scenes together through music or sound.

Voice Over
- Hear the voice of a speaker or narrator but not seeing them.

Direct Address - Speaks directly to camera. Makes you feel like you have interaction with the character and story.


Score/Background Music - Music composed for dramatic effects.

Identical Music -

Themes -

Ambient Sound - Background noise in a film or programme etc. birds, water and traffic.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Movement Types


- The movement of a still camera. The scanning of a subject horizontally.

- Similar to Panning but Vertical.

Dolly/Tracking - Smooth camera movement of a horizontal axis. Used to follow target etc.

Crane - Like a dolly shot in the air. Smooth movements off the ground.

Steadicam - Isolates the operator's movement from the camera, allowing a very smooth shot even when the operator is moving quickly.

Hand Held - Is used in documentaries and films. It gives a sense that you are invloved in the scene. Gives a sense of realism.

Zoom - Change in lense focal length whihc gives the sense that your moving towards or away from somthing. Allows focus on a certain point.

Angle Types

High Angle - Camera positioned above the character or object. Makes the charcter look vunrable and powerless. Also looks more dramatic.

Low Angle
- Camera positioned below the character, looking up to give a sense of domination and power.

Canted Angle/Dutch Tilt - Camera is positioned on a slant to create uneasiness or tension.

Shot Types


Long/Wide Shot - See surroundings which sets scence.

Mid Shot - Focus more on the people or person.

Close Up Shot - Lets you see emotions of character.

Master Shot - All of scene is shown and keeps charcters in view etc. In a dramtic scene.

Establishing Shot - Establishes the context for a scene by showing the relationship between its important figures and objects. Ususally a long shot.

Aerial Shot - Usually done with a crane from an aerial vechile. It is used to show landscape or to make a charcter seem small an insignificant.

POV Shot - Shown from the characters eyes to show what they are seeing or their reacton.

Two Shot - Shows two people. It can show their emotions towards each other.

OST Shot - A shot used over the charcters shoulder. This is used to show someone or somthing over the persons shoulder. The head and shoulder is used to frame the person or object. Commen when having a convosation.

Thursday, 3 February 2011


Main Types of Genre:
Science Fiction

Sub Genres:
Chick Flicks

Hybrid Genres:
Romantic Comedy
Adventure Thriller etc.